Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, just someone who has taken interest in my personal health. I am in constant communication with medical professionals and I suggest anyone reading this blog do the same before treating health related issues.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Eating at Restaurants

Going out to eat as a vegan was really intimidating at first. First of all, I am a broke-ish college student. Unless my parents want to hang out and go out to eat, I try not to go out to eat more than once a week. When I am out, I don't want to be that annoying friend at the table who asks the waiter fifty questions and then decides they don't want the dish they were asking about. Here's what I do check:

The easiest way to order out with minimal questions are the three S foods:
- Salad - Remove meat and dairy. Replace meat or dairy with avocado, if you like it. Order dressings like balsamic vinaigrette or something you know is not dairy based.
- Sandwich - Just double check that the bread is not buttered. Sometimes this isn't stated on the menu and generally happens with panini sandwiches. Replace meat or dairy with avocado if you would like a more filling sandwich.
- Soup - Double check that the broth is vegan, even if it is a vegetable soup.

Things to be careful with or avoid:
- Don't eat fried food - It is generally dipped in eggs or eggs and dairy. It is also most likely fried in the same oil that their fried meat or fish dishes were in.
- Be extra careful to make sure pasta dishes don't have cheese mixed into the sauce. It can be lightly mixed into red sauce, so you don't notice it until you have a stomach ache. Also, the things that are used to flavor sauces can be tricky. Try and stick to pasta with veggies on top. Make sure they don't butter the noodles.
- I tell waiters that I am allergic to dairy when I order a dish that originally had dairy in it. Not only am I a vegan, but I am also lactose intolerant. This helps ensure that they will be extra careful.

These are just some basic, but very important things to remember when going out to eat. They allow you to ask just one or two questions about your meal to avoid a big stomach ache.

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