Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, just someone who has taken interest in my personal health. I am in constant communication with medical professionals and I suggest anyone reading this blog do the same before treating health related issues.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quick Fix

While becoming a vegan helped with a lot of my health problems, the issues that I have with my stomach are not just going to go away forever. I do, however, have fewer difficult periods of time and they are much farther apart. I also am able to tell when they are coming on and prepare accordingly now.

Many vegans will not take medication that contains animal products. I was absolutely shocked at the lack of over the counter medication available. I choose to stick with vegan remedies because, after a while, it is easy to become ill when suddenly introducing something non-vegan. Aside from my stomach, I truly have noticed a serious decline or complete disappearance of all other health related issues.

One thing that I have come across that is very helpful for stomach aches is what I like to call Tummy Tea. When a person first goes vegan, it takes some time for the stomach to catch up. There are some animal byproducts that may take up to three weeks to leave your system! In the mean time some upset tummy situations may occur, so here's the recipe...

Tummy Tea:
1/4 cup ginger root (peeled and cut into large pieces)
10-ish peppermint leaves
1 small lemon
agave nectar to taste

Put water, ginger, peppermint, and lemon into a pot. Heat on the stove until it comes to a boil. Strain and pour the mixture into a cup with a little bit of agave nectar at the bottom. If there is any leftover, I keep it in the fridge for iced tea.

Yes, it says agave nectar in the recipe. There is a long standing debate in the vegan community over whether honey is vegan or not. I feel agave is more delicious and lacks controversy, so I use it.

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