Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, just someone who has taken interest in my personal health. I am in constant communication with medical professionals and I suggest anyone reading this blog do the same before treating health related issues.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I went vegan...

I became a vegan six months ago because I was having gastrointestinal problems that my doctor could not easily resolve. He explained that figuring out what worked best with my diet would be important because these problems are here to stay. After trying many different dietary changes, I came across a few books that suggested being a vegan. My doctor agreed that it was worth a try and, much to everyone's surprise, I picked a day to start. That morning I woke up, cleaned out my refrigerator, and went to the market. At first I ate a lot of salad, but then began to learn that there are so many options out there for vegans. I use vegan herbs and teas for different ailments that I have had, learn new recipes, and discover fun products. This blog is a new way for me refer back to my own discoveries as well as sharing them with others.

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