Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, just someone who has taken interest in my personal health. I am in constant communication with medical professionals and I suggest anyone reading this blog do the same before treating health related issues.

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Moral Dilemma

This was my breakfast and lunch today. Photos like this one used to intimidate me before I realized that it really only takes 10 minutes to throw meals like this together. Pre-baking the egg whites and having a bunch of pre-made chicken in the fridge to throw on top of salads makes packing lunches really easy. 

I did have an aha moment today when I arrived home from work: I am eating things I don't want to touch...I bought chicken that was already cooked to put on my salads this week, I picked up turkey meatballs for dinner, and the egg whites that I used were in a container without yolks so that I did not have to separate the parts of the egg myself. For a while, I wrote this off a convenience or maybe even a little bit of laziness. Now that I actually take a second to think about it, the idea of actually touching the eggs to separate them or the raw meat to prep it to cook really is nauseating to me. Since the first time I was a vegan, touching any of these things has really bothered me. 

I did not originally become a vegan for animal rights reasons. As stated in previous posts, it was truly to help improve my health. Maybe it made me a little bit more aware of what I was eating. After picking up the turkey meatballs today, I thought it would be so easy to make them next time. Reading the recipes and looking at the step by step instructions made me think things like: 'that was alive once and it died' or 'that is the inside of an animal that I would be touching'. The whole thing was too much and I stopped reading. Now I am sitting here thinking: if I wouldn't touch it or kill it myself, why would I eat it? After all, my entire graduate school thesis was about helping children understand where their food comes from. If I understand where my food is coming from and I am not feeling good about it, maybe it's time to reconsider my choices. I am not sure how this is going to play out, but I definitely have a lot to think about. 

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