Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, just someone who has taken interest in my personal health. I am in constant communication with medical professionals and I suggest anyone reading this blog do the same before treating health related issues.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

I am back to blogging and really excited about it.

Since my last update...

I fell off the vegan bandwagon and, although it has been a delicious choice, I have some regrets. I have noticed more fatigue, weight gain, temptation to make less healthy food choices, headaches, and stomach pain. Will I become a vegan again? We will see over time. Right now I am eating fish, poultry, and dabbling in goats milk cheeses (lower in lactose).

One big struggle has been figuring out forms of exercise that don't leave me feeling nauseous. Right now I am doing rowing on a small rowing machine on days that I don't feel 100% because it is great exercise, but I am sitting. It avoids jostling movements to my core and is a fantastic way to get out frustrations. On days I am feeling good, I am walking as much as I can.

I have added small things into my daily routine that make a big difference. I make sure to drink enough water. There is a place in my planner to check off every time I have a glass of water - 8 cups - and I use that as my minimum. I stop tracking after that, but often end up drinking a lot more. A big thing that has helped is adding fruit and creating spa waters. I also drink organic lavender camomile tea before bed. The smell of lavender is very calming and so is drinking the camomile. Today I added a little Manuka honey even though I don't normally sweeten drinks because I was reading about how it helps with acid reflux, ulcers, and various other tummy troubles.

Why did I happen to have Manuka honey laying around? My skincare routine has changed a lot since getting excited about working on my health. The things we put on our skin end up in our bloodstreams, so I have been careful about the kinds of things I am willing to put on my skin - within reason. Manuka honey also helps with inflammation and acne, so I had the honey around the house to dab on the occasional spot on my face. While I know my skincare routine could be even more natural, there are some things that I tried and gave up on. Natural deodorant was one of them after many issues of sensitivity. Two years and 10 different deodorants later, I went back to a not so natural approach. I may go back and experiment again at some point.

I have also started taking care of the environment a little bit more. I have been using alternative products that are not wasteful instead of buying and throwing away the following things: cotton swabs, paper towels, napkins, tin foil, parchment paper, cling wrap, plastic ziplock bags, paper lunch bags, grocery bags, water bottles, plastic tupperware, and much more!

Stay tuned for more updates and fun as I strive to live a more natural, healthy life! I also will be sure to share brands and items that have helped me out.

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